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Using remotely sensed night-time light as a proxy for poverty in Africa

Population health is linked closely to poverty. To assess the effectiveness of health interventions it is critical to monitor the spatial and temporal changes in the health indicators of populations and outcomes across varying levels of poverty. Existing measures of poverty based on income, consumption or assets are difficult to compare across geographic settings and are expensive to construct. Remotely sensed data on artificial night time lights (NTL) have been shown to correlate with gross domestic product in developed countries.

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Author(s) Abdisalan M Noor, Victor A Alegana, Peter W Gething, Andrew J Tatem & Robert W Snow
Last Updated February 11, 2021, 21:45 (UTC)
Created December 7, 2020, 22:52 (UTC)
Stable Link
Date 2008-10-21
Publishing Body Population Health Metrics, 6(1), 1-13.
Content Type Publications
Primary Category Demographics & Socioeconomics
Sub Category Socioeconomics
Country Name Central African Republic
Location Latitude 6.6111
Location Longitude 20.9394
Publishing Organization New Light Technologies